Join us Sundays at 9:30am (in-person only) and 11am (in-person & online).

Begin the Journey

Learn the Bible. Connect with each other.

Three times a year (Fall, Winter, and Spring) we create mid-sized teaching environments to help people learn from the Bible and connect with each other.  These teaching environments last 6-8 weeks and are focused on a specific topic, or book of the Bible, that is taught by our pastoral teaching team.  Our ultimate desire is that everyone who participates in this environment would take the next step and join a Connect Group when the class is over.  Anyone is welcome to attend this class as long as they have completed the Connect Class process.

Begin the Journey Grow Class

The Begin the Journey class is a special Grow Class specifically designed for anyone looking to learn the essentials needed to develop a strong personal relationship with Jesus. You can sign up for the next class by clicking on the button below. When you sign up for the class you will be given an access code that will allow you to view the Begin the Journey resources when clicking on the appropriate links below. We're looking forward to all that God has in store for you as you begin the journey!